Ebbeler, 1926 geboorte Sumatra

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  • #8254

    I am searching for information on my great grandmother. I’m not a Dutch speaker so it makes things difficult.

    My ancestor is likely named Ina or Inah. She had a daughter, Ima Louise, on 26 July 1926 with Johannes Wilhem (Chr?) Ebbeler in Pangkalan. JW was employed by Royal Dutch Shell & did not marry Ina.

    Ima’s birth certificate is lost and no one is alive for me to talk to (first in my family with genealogy interest).

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Ik zoek informatie over mijn overgrootmoeder. Ik ben geen Nederlands spreker dus het maakt het moeilijk.

    Mijn voorouder wordt waarschijnlijk Ina of Inah genoemd. Ze had een dochter, Ima Louise, op 26 juli 1926 met Johannes Wilhem (Chr?) Ebbeler in Pangkalan. JW was in dienst bij Royal Dutch Shell en trouwde niet met Ina.

    Ima’s geboorteakte is verloren en niemand leeft om met mij te praten (eerst in mijn familie met genealogische interesse).

    Alle hulp wordt zeer op prijs gesteld.

    robdumasRob Dumas

    The name of your great-great ancestor is – I think – Johan Willem Christiaan Ebbeler, he arrived in Batavia (the Dutch Indies) about the 2 February 1918 leaving by ship from Rotterdam at 15 December 1917, he was an employee of the Koninklijke Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, in 1918-1920 he worked in Pangkalanbrandan and from about 1921-1934 in Pangkalansoesoe (nowadays Pangkalan Susu) in the district Langkat (East Sumatra). Your great-grandmother Ima Louise Ebbeler was born in Pangkalansoesoe (East Sumatra). She was registered as inhabitant of the city of The Hague at 2 June 1930, staying at Zeestraat 63a in The Hague (Den Haag). I guess that her father had sent her to the Netherlands to stay with relatives of his in The Hague. On 11 April 1935 she moved from The Hague to Rheden (Velp) to stay with her father’s mother Aletta Leonora Lucretia Jacoba Ebbeler-Backer Overbeek (born 11 December 1869 at Tietjerkstradeel in the province Friesland, she passed away at Velp 8 February 1948, she was buried in Rheden (Velp))

    Aletta Leonora Lucretia Jacoba Backer Overbeek married Willem Ebbeler [born Arnhem 7 February 1864, died 6 September 1927 in Velp, buried in Rheden) at Nieuwer-Amstel 25 July 1895. They had two children:
    1. Elisabeth Johanna Wilhelmina Ebbeler, born Amsterdam May 1896.
    2. Johan Willem Christiaan Ebbeler, born Amsterdam between 01 April 1898-08 April 1898. He married on 30 August 1937 with Elda Simboli at Castello-Florence in Italy.

    About the ancestry of Willem Ebbeler: search his full name on Google and you’ll find genealogical results.
    With best regards,
    Rob Dumas

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by robdumasRob Dumas. Reason: correction
    robdumasRob Dumas

    below you’ll find tags for the sources of the information that I’ve send you above.

    http://www.genealogieonline.nl and http://www.wiewaswie.nl

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by robdumasRob Dumas. Reason: correction and update
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