Wladyslaw Makowiecki missing 1933,Malang,Java

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1909 Makowiczki, W. plant chief Petrol Mij Perlak te Ida (married with P.A. Walther)

time between also mentioned place Moeara Enim and Palembang,
1927 Mackenvileki, empl. Petrol mij Zuid Perlak te Idi (married with P.A. Walther)
1927 Macowiecki, L. empl Petrol mij te Pladjoe (married with P.A. Walther)
1932 Makowiecki, W. empl te Pladjoe (married with P.A. Walther)

According Delpher 19-03-1909 he left Sumatra with SS “De Kock” with his wife. So marriage before March 1909

17-03-1921 Arrival in Amsterdam (travelled by ss Riouw) with his wife. No children mentioned!
23-11-1926 Departure from Amsterdam to Indie together with his wife. No children mentioned

I can not find any registration card of them in Amsterdam. Do you have any idea where they lived in the Netherlands between 1921-1926?

kind regards, Ben